PsiBorg Adds New IoT Solution: A Cattle Health Monitoring System
– PsiBorg designs and develops custom livestock monitoring solutions such as smart cow health monitoring systems, cattle tracking systems, and dairy farm management systems.
– The system uses IoT technology to improve accessibility and transparency in cattle health management. The cattle monitoring system includes- collars and pedometers, as well as a Mobile Application and a Web application.
– The foregoing cattle health monitoring system is designed to assist dairy farmers in managing their farming expenses, tracking the health of their herd, taking inventory, and achieving profitability in their operations by making it simple for them to gather data related to the health and performance of their cattle.
The system uses LoRa-based sensors for accurate analysis of cattle’s health, thus increasing the system’s efficiency.
The smart cattle health monitoring system doesn’t completely eliminate the need for physical exams by veterinarians. But it eliminates the need to look at every single cow all day around.
So, by using a cattle health monitoring system, you can focus on the cows that need attention, by getting real-time notifications about their location and health status.
Smart Collars and Pedometers to Monitor Cow’s Health
The pressure to fulfill the dairy needs of the increasing population, demands another “white revolutionâ€Â, but this time, IoT may be the reason for such a revolution. Nevertheless, strengthening the dairy industry is the only possible and accurate solution right now.
However, strengthening dairy farming is done by connecting producers to the market and improving market access for their products.
But, one important factor that influences market access is livestock health and its traceability.
Currently, the only available method in the market for monitoring livestock health is to rely on physical examinations done by veterinarians. This approach is very resource-intensive, especially for farmers, and all these results in
Reduced marketability
Disease outbreaks,
Consumer concerns.
The cow health monitoring system comprises a wearable device ( neck collar/ pedometer) and a mobile/web dashboard.
The sensors embedded in collars and pedometers, collect data on vital health parameters like temperature, heart rate, activity level, and heat period. The sensors also provide the live location of the cattle and send alerts if the cattle cross the virtual geofence boundaries.
The collected sensor data and farmer-recorded information is further transmitted wirelessly to a secure cloud platform for data analysis.
Farmers have access to a user-friendly mobile/web app that provides an overall view of their herd’s health.
The mobile/web panel displays- real-time vital signs for each individual animal, and insights and recommendations based on the collected data.
Benefits of an IoT based Cattle Health Monitoring System
The list of several benefits that an IoT-based cattle health monitoring system offers are:
Offers 24/7 herd health monitoring
Early disease detection, reduced number of sick cows
Improved herd performance
Location tracking and geofencing
Reproductive cycle monitoring
Real-time alerts and insights
Increased milking and improved milk quality
Fewer production loss
Reduced veterinary treatment and medication cost
Message From CEO
Ms. Vidushi, CEO of PsiBorg Technologies, says that profitability in a dairy business can only be achieved by adopting IoT technology.
She emphasizes that the integration of a smart cattle health monitoring system is going to be a game changer in the dairy industry as it will allow dairy businesses to achieve more profitable growth.
At PsiBorg, we have developed a solution that takes farmers’ problems into account and have developed a slim, compact collar and pedometer that can be easily worn by cattle.
Dairy farmers can substantially increase their revenue while supporting sustainable practices and animal welfare by reducing health hazards and optimizing productivity
About PsiBorg Technologies
PsiBorg Technologies is an IoT service-providing company that offers end-to-end IoT product development services to businesses across all industries.
However, PsiBorg is a renowned name when it comes to smart livestock solutions and smart agriculture solutions.
Specializing in smart livestock solutions, PsiBorg’s IoT-based cattle health monitoring system is all set to revolutionize animal husbandry practices for the better.
PsiBorg Technologies is a reliable partner for companies looking to fully utilize the Internet of Things (IoT) in agriculture and livestock management because of its unwavering focus on innovation and dedication to providing value-driven solutions.
A smart cattle health monitoring system is a ready-to-deploy solution. To avail the solution, visit their page or just talk to them directly.