Modern Minerals: Ceresana Forecasts Growing Global Market for Fillers

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Innovative high-tech fillers can give materials amazing properties: Glass panes that become cloudy when exposed to sunlight and provide shade, 3D-printed components without heat distortion or, for example, paints that store light and emit it in the dark. The classic fillers remain indispensable for numerous industries, whether as powders, fibers or small spheres: Demand for natural calcium carbonate (GCC), precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC), kaolin, talc, wollastonite, mica, carbon black and other fillers is expected to increase to almost 89 million tonnes by 2032. The latest, seventh edition of the Ceresana study on the global market for fillers expects average revenue growth of 3.6% per year.

Custom-made Functional Fillers

There would be no rubber and no car tires without carbon black or other additives: Elastomers are the largest application area for fillers, accounting for around 28% of global demand. For plastics, the second largest application, the current Ceresana market report expects demand for fillers to increase by 2.5% per year. Highly filled compounds with customized properties are increasingly being manufactured. Insoluble additives make engineering plastics particularly suitable for demanding applications: Mineral fillers help make cars lighter, bioplastics more durable and wind turbines and solar systems more weatherproof. Fillers not only increase the volume of materials and reduce their costs – they also make it possible to specifically change the properties of materials. Mica, for example, is used for heat-resistant coatings; ground feldspar is used as an anti-blocking agent in packaging films; fine graphite powder reduces the friction of plastic surfaces. Other functional fillers improve flame retardancy, thermal conductivity or electrical insulation, for example. Paper becomes opaque, white and smooth thanks to fillers.

Calcium Carbonate and Carbon Black

The Stone Age is far from over, as lime is by far the most widely used filler: Natural calcium carbonate (ground calcium carbonate, GCC) has a market share of around 34%. Ceresana forecasts further growth of 2.6% per year for GCC until 2032. GCC is mainly used for plastics, paints, varnishes and paper. Precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) has many properties identical to GCC and is used primarily for paper production, as well as paints and varnishes. After these lime products, industrially produced carbon black is one of the world’s best-selling fillers: Around 13.7 million tonnes of carbon black are currently used every year, primarily to reinforce tires and other rubber and caoutchouc products. In Asia, manufacturers of elastomer products purchase more than 33% of all fillers. In Western Europe, this figure is only 18%. The paper industry, on the other hand, accounts for 30% of total filler consumption in Western Europe. The regional and country-specific characteristics of the demand for fillers are analyzed in detail for different application areas in the new market report by Ceresana.

Current Market Study “Fillers – World”:

Chapter 1 provides a description and analysis of the global market for fillers, including forecasts up to 2032: demand and revenues are detailed for each region of the world. These product types are examined in detail: Ground calcium carbonate (GCC), Precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC), Carbon black, Kaolin, Talc, other fillers. The following application areas are investigated: Plastics, Elastomers, Paper, Paints and coatings, Adhesives and sealants.
Chapter 2 analyzes demand for and revenues generated with fillers for the 29 largest national markets. Demand is split by individual applications and product types; the demand for the individual product type is also analyzed for each application area.
Chapter 3 offers a useful directory of the most important producers of fillers, clearly arranged according to contact details, revenues, profit, product range and types, production sites, and profile summary. Detailed company profiles are provided for the 75 most important manufacturers.

About Ceresana
As one of the world’s leading market research institutes, Ceresana specializes in the chemicals, plastics, packaging, and industrial goods sectors. Special focus areas are bio-economy and automotive / mobility. Since 2002, companies have benefited from high-quality industry analyses and forecasts. Over 250 market studies provide more than 10,000 clients around the world with the knowledge base for sustainable success.